Please email Jim Chapple for support issues, information and quotes.


iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad Applications

Roman Numerals

Where Is It?

Fractions Calculator

Weight Monitor

Fraction to Decimal

Angles Calculator

Sine/Cosine Calculator

Budget (Month)

Budget (Week)

Depth of Field Calculator

Alcohol Units Calculator

Pulse Monitor

Product Pricing

Exposure Calculator

Budget (Day)

Simple Checklist

Percentage Calculator

iPhone/iPod Touch Applications

Maths Quiz

Areas Calculator

Volumes Calculator

Sets Helper

Circles Illustrated

Polygon Puzzle

Driving Monitor

Current Activity

Jim Chapple is now working full time on iphone/ipod touch and iPad applications.

Also check Facebook Page for FAQs, discussions and other information.

Simple Day Budget App

When the Application Starts

The App initialises itself to read all the previously entered information for the days already entered. Obviously the first time it starts there is no saved information.

The main screen of the App is the screen where you can enter the expenses for today.

It is really very simple to add an expense. At the top of the screen are two fields: one for the amount and one a quick description of the expense.

Enter these two values and press the green plus key to the right. The new expense will be added to the table below that shows the expenses for the day. The day you are adding to is shown above the table.

The information just above the date will also change. The first field is the budget for the day and can be changed by selecting the field and putting in the new number. Next is the amount spent so far. The final field is the remaining budget or the overspend. If you have overspent the field changes to red.

Below the table are four buttons. The 'Today' button will always take you back to the expenses information for today. The 'Chart' button will show you the chart for the month. The 'Edit' button will allow you to change information for the expense selected in the table. The 'Delete' button will allow you to delete an expense.

The budget for a day can be easily changed by selecting the budget field. The keypad will be shown. Type in the budget you want and select OK. The new budget will be saved and the numbers adjusted accordingly.

The Graph Screen

The Graph Screen of the App shows you your expenses, budget and under/overspends for the current month.

Swipe left to right to see the previous month. Swipe right to left to see the next month.

Each day is made up of two pieces of information. Look at the top of the white bar to the left and the scale will show the budget for that day. Look at zero for the day and if the white bar is partly green then that means that you did not exceed the budget for the day. If the white bar is shown down to zero and below that is a red bar extending downwards then this shows that you overspent.

You are doing well if most days have a white bar with a green bottom section. However, if most days show an empty (all white) bar and a red bar below then you are not doing so well.

The chart also shows that not all days have to have the same budget. Some days can have more. This chart shows that each Friday is allocated more than all of the other days. Most days have been allocated the same (20 pounds in this case). Others have been allocated some more, maybe to reflect that on those days other not so normal activities occur that require extra funds.

The Preferences Page

Select the Preferences button on the Main Screen and the preferences page is shown.

There is only one preference and that is what is the default budget. This value is used whenever a new day is to be created.

Select the field and the number keypad will be shown. Change the value and select Save. Any day already created will not be affected by the change but select to create a new day and this new budget value will be used.

Edit the information for an Expense

On the main page select the expense in the table you wish to edit and select the 'Edit' button at the bottom and the edit page will be shown.

You can edit the basic description shown in the table. You can edit the amount. You can add additional notes for the expense.

When you edit the notes the keyboard is dismissed by selecting the 'Editing Done' button.

To save these changes select 'Save'. The view will change back to the main view and all the information will be updated to reflect the changes made.

Month List Page

On the Main Page is a button marked 'Months'. Selecting this button takes you to the Month View where you can select to Edit the values for any day you choose.

You can move between the months using the previous and next buttons. You can select to change the values for a day by selecting that day in the list and then selecting 'Edit Day'.

Each day in the list shows the budget what was spent and what remains/or was overspent. If the day was an overspend day then the value is shown in red.

Edit a different day

The 'Edit Day' button changes the view to the main view. This is exactly the same as though you were entering expenses for today but the day being edited is the one you selected. The 'Edit' and 'Delete' buttons act on the day selected. The 'Graph' will show you the month information for the month of the day you selected.

The date field shows the day you are editing and the expenses and information for that day. This allows you to go back and add expenses to a day that you did not do on the day.

And this reveals the reason for the 'Today' button. Press this button and the main view will change back to the expenses for today.

Side Projects

Essence Computing has been working on a time and task management tool that provides the capability that a software engineer needs. This program can be checked out at: Getting Things Done Mac

Although this program is aimed at the Mac OS X market it actually runs on all major Operating System. It has been tested on Windows XP/Vista, Mac OS X 10.5, Linux. It is a Java Swing Application.